Partners for Clarkston's Kids
Clarkston SCAMP is a five-week summer day camp in Clarkston, Michigan developed and designed for special needs children and young adults.
The camp is more than just an exciting place for the SCAMPers; this program provides a growing and learning opportunity for both the young adults hired to be aides for the SCAMPers, as well as the volunteers. It provides the parents of the SCAMPers the calming effect of knowing that their child is in a safe haven and having a good time that they might not be able to experience any other way.
All this is made possible by the hard work and dedication of the board members of the North Oakland SCAMP Funding Corporation and generous donations of the people, like you, who have come to know, appreciate, and love the efforts of SCAMP.
Fundraisers held throughout the year help supplement the cost of the program.
2024 SCAMP Enrollment Application
SCAMP Registrations will open on April 6th at 9 am.
Important Note: A spot at SCAMP will not be reserved until the application is completed and submitted and a deposit has been made.
Step 1
Step 2
Employee/Volunteer Applications
Date: June 24-July 31
No SCAMP the week of July 1-July 5
Location: Sashabaw Middle School
5565 Pine Knob Road
Clarkston MI 48346
*Staff training will take place the week of June 17th*
SCAMP Lead Teacher
We are no longer accepting Lead Teacher applications at this time.
If you are interested in applying to be a teacher sub this summer please contact Kylie Krentzin, Scamp director, at kekrentzin@clarkston.k12.
SCAMP Adult Aide
SCAMP Adult Aide Application
Adult Aides report Monday-Wednesday, 8:45am-2:15pm
Adult Aides are responsible for supporting scampers and student aides/volunteers under the direction of the group’s lead teacher
This position is open to applicants with a high school diploma (graduated 2023 or prior); hourly rate: $16 (current CCS para or 3 consecutive years as an adult aide at SCAMP), $14 all other applicants.
SCAMP Student Aide
SCAMP Student Aide Application
Student Aides report Monday-Wednesday, 8:45am-2:15pm
Student Aides are responsible for supporting scampers under the direction of the group’s lead teacher.
This position is open to current 9th graders and older; hourly rate: $10.33.
SCAMP Volunteer
SCAMP Volunteer Application
Volunteers report Monday-Wednesday, 8:45-2:15
Volunteers are responsible for supporting scampers under the direction of the group’s lead teacher.
This position is open to current 6th graders and older.
Libraries Serving our Community
Become A Member Of The Pack!
The Clarkston Independence District Library and Springfield Township Library have teamed up with Clarkston Community Schools to provide every student and staff member with a library card and free access to information and education resources. Pack Pass, our library card designed for students and staff, simplifies the application process making it easier than ever to receive a library card.
Here are just a few of the benefits Pack Pass offers:
- Download ebooks, audiobooks, or magazines to your desktop or mobile device using Hoopla and the Libby app for Overdrive
- Interact with your favorite children’s books and read along with Tumblebooks
- Free access to books and other media owned by Clarkston Independence District Library and Springfield Township Library
Enjoy the comfort of your own home while accessing many of these materials online, and come visit our buildings to enjoy on-site resources and programming! Fill out your Pack Pass application today and receive your library card in the mail.
Questions? Contact:
Treats for Teachers
Treats for Teachers Sponsors
Clarkston Community Schools teachers, support staff, classroom aides, bus drivers, food service workers, grounds crew, administrators, front office staff, and custodians have redefined what is possible in our educational community. These frontline workers, 1,000 strong, have shown up everyday with big hearts, fighting spirits, and relentless fortitude.
This Spring, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services John Lucido and Director of Student Growth and Well-Being Staci Puzio hosted well-being focus groups with staff to learn how the district could support positive morale going into the last few months of the school year and recognize the sacrifices being made by our staff each and every day. Not surprisingly, one of the things they told us was that they would love tasty treats like bagels, coffee, and lunches!
When we took this request out to local businesses, the response was nothing short of incredible! Our community’s willingness to appreciate Clarkston Schools' employees with “Treats for Teachers” has fully funded weekly staff breakfasts and lunches at each of our 12 schools for the remainder of the school year.
Thank you, Clarkston, for honoring the contributions of our dedicated team and recognizing the important role they have played during these unprecedented times!
Clarkston Area Youth Assistance
Clarkston Area Youth Assistance (CAYA) is a unique, volunteer-driven, non-profit community organization committed to strengthening youth and families, as well as preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency, child neglect, and child abuse through community involvement. Volunteers work with a professional staff to plan and sponsor enriching programs for young people and families in the Clarkston Community Schools district. CAYA's programs are committed to positively impacting the long-term growth and development of all youth in the community through prevention, education, support, and celebration. CAYA's programs are part of the community-wide effort focused on the health and well-being of youth and families.

CAYA Youth Recognition
The Clarkston Area Youth Assistance Youth Recognition Program recognizes and honors Clarkston youth, Kindergarten through Grade 12, for contributing to the well-being of the community through working on his/her own well-being (personal growth) and/or through his/her concern for the well-being of others.
Clarkston Coalition
Clarkston Coalition for Youth
Clarkston Coalition for Youth is a community-wide approach to prevent and reduce substance abuse and other “Risky” dangers that face our kids today. By using the strengths and resources of individuals and organizations we provide education workshops, town hall talks and much more. Through these collaboration and developing partnerships we provide the support and information that our youth, families, and the community needs to make healthy lifestyle choices.
The Coalition’s programs and partnerships are the building blocks "to achieving our desired mission which is to increase positive youth development through community partnerships, providing every youth with the opportunity to reach their fullest potential”. In doing so we strive to help the youth of our community to achieve great health and wellness, to abstain from the use of alcohol, vaping & tobacco products, and other drugs, so that they have the ability to reach their fullest potential.
We are a volunteer driven organization that is always looking for people like you to join in the Fun and Prevention Efforts!
Like and Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Optimist Club
Clarkston Optimist Club
The Optimist Creed

Clarkston Optimists, a member of Optimists International, is a non-profit organization that supports their local community. Our goals are to:
- Aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self is in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life and the world,
- Develop optimism as a philosophy of life,
- Promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs,
- Inspire respect for the law and,
- Promote patriotism and work for international accord and friendship among all people.
The Clarkston Optimist Club’s activities are focused on the youth of the community, respect for law and promoting patriotism. The club sponsors Junior Optimist Clubs (JOOI) at the elementary, middle school, junior high school and high school levels. Student of the Year recognitions are held at each school in the Clarkston Schools district. A multitude of programs throughout the year are focused on youth - Friendly Forest, Optic Socks, Renaissance Elves project, Essay Contest, Oratorical Contest, grants to youth programs, SCAMP Field Day and the Fourth of July parade sponsorship.