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CCS 2022 Bond - Our Kids. Our Community. Our Future. Nov 8 Election. Zero tax rate increase.

On November 8, Clarkston voters approved the Clarkston Community Schools no tax rate increase bond proposal for $197,500,000. The proposal is part of a long-term master plan for district facilities with three key areas of focus: Safety and Security, Aging Building Systems, and a New Junior High.

Proposed safety and security improvements include building air quality, providing air conditioning in classrooms, ADA upgrades, door hardware replacements, building card access controls, additional generator circuits for life safety systems, and fire alarm system replacements.

A new Junior High School will be constructed to replace the 63-year-old aging Junior High on the existing site. The new facility will provide larger classrooms to support innovative and collaborative learning, improve ADA accessibility, and improve traffic flow while preserving and updating the current auditorium and construction trades areas. In addition, the bond will address the most critical aging building systems.

Current Millage Rate 7.0 Proposed Millage Rate 7.0
Clarkston Millage Rate is 7.0 one of the lowest in the area.
Child in front of fan

Safety & Security

Improving building air quality, providing air conditioning in classrooms, ADA upgrades, door hardware replacements, window blinds, building card access controls, additional generator circuits for life safety systems, and fire alarm system replacements.



Aging Systems

Aging Building Systems

Replace select roofing, mechanical systems, doors, casework, flooring, clock systems, paving, and exterior building envelopes, along with technology devices and infrastructure.





New Junior High

Clarkston Junior High School was constructed over 60 years ago. Educational design has evolved over the decades, however, our classrooms have not. While the building has been well maintained, these classrooms have not seen major renovations in several years. The proposed new building would support collaborative and innovative teaching and learning styles to prepare students for success beyond the classroom.

Aging Building Systems & Sites

Safety & Security

New Junior High

No Tax Rate Increase

Look to the Future

Paid for by Clarkston Community Schools, 6389 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, MI 48346.