2016 Bond Progress
In August 2016, Clarkston voters approved a $76 million bond proposal for the completion of safety, technology, and building projects across our district. As a result of this investment in our schools, we have also implemented an exciting new Instructional Technology Department.
Thank you, Clarkston. Together we can do so much.
2016 Bond Ballot Proposal
Shall Clarkston Community Schools, Oakland County, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Seventy-Five Million Nine Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars ($75,980,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, for the purpose of:
Erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to school buildings, in part for secure entrances; remodeling, equipping and re-equipping and furnishing and re furnishing school buildings; acquiring, installing, equipping and re-equipping school buildings for instructional technology; erecting an outdoor storage building at Clarkston High School; and preparing, developing, improving, and equipping playgrounds, athletic fields and facilities, and sites
The following is for informational purposes only:
The estimated millage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2017, under current law, is 0 mill ($0.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). The maximum number of years the bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, is thirty (30) years. The estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 2.09 mills ($2.09 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation).
The school district expects to borrow from the State School Bond Qualification and Loan Program to pay debt service on these bonds. The estimated total principal amount of that borrowing is $25,515,796 and the estimated total interest to be paid thereon is $29,394,271. The estimated duration of the millage levy associated with that borrowing is 19 years and the estimated computed millage rate for such levy is 7.00 mills. The estimated computed millage rate may change based on changes in certain circumstances.
The total amount of qualified bonds currently outstanding is $121,060,000. The total amount of qualified loans currently outstanding is approximately $4,289,535.
(Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.)
Phase I (2016-2017)
Work Completed and In Progress
Roof improvements and data cabling in CHS classrooms, computer labs and common areas are now complete. The high school track and field have been resurfaced at Clarkston High School. The turf is now complete, and students are using the field for athletics. The track has also been striped and is ready for use.
Work at Andersonville, Bailey Lake and Springfield Plains Elementary schools began as students were dismissed for summer break in June 2017. Renovations to provide new secure entrances, sidewalks, and parking lots featuring improved drop-off areas were completed at Andersonville and Bailey Lake. Springfield Plains also received a new parent drop-off drive, as well as all new playground equipment and a track for students to enjoy. In addition, projects to update and replace data cabling and network switches district-wide were completed over the summer. This work will provide a more robust system for our staff and students. Installation of security cameras and associated cabling is underway at Andersonville Elementary and Bailey Lake Elementary, and camera systems should be completely installed district-wide by the end of the calendar year.
Secure entrances will be designed for all other elementary schools and Clarkston Junior High School, and construction will take place in the summer of 2018.
Contractors also completed additional projects such as walk and curb at the Springfield Plains site to assist in traffic flow and bus stacking.
Contractors are completing all final documentation and closeout requirements. These as built drawings, operation and maintenance manuals, and additional documents will be reviewed by the design team and delivered to the district.
New security cameras, viewing monitors, and the associated cabling are complete at Andersonville and Bailey Lake. The software has been loaded to the building administration computers and training has been completed at these two buildings. Camera cabling is completed at Clarkston Junior High School and Sashabaw Middle School and is being installed at Clarkston High School. Camera installation has begun at SMS and will start shortly at CJHS.
The New Server, Storage and Backup System (also known by some as the Active Directory Project) is now underway. The contractor expects materials for the project to begin arriving on site at the High School data center in the next two weeks. The project is expected to involve many weeks of configuration and testing prior to any actual migration of district resources to the new equipment. The old equipment will be removed and responsibly recycled in early 2018, once the migration is complete.
Phase Two construction projects will bring secure entry, an addition, new classroom technology, and interior renovations to Springfield Plains Elementary School.
Independence Elementary will also get a secure entry, addition, roof, veneer, new parking lot, classroom technology, and interior renovations.
Clarkston Elementary, North Sashabaw Elementary, and Pine Knob Elementary will receive new secure entries as well.
At Clarkston Junior High School, a secure entry and select parking/sitework went out to bid on November 27, 2017. The intention of the project team is to receive bids, evaluate bids with the project team, and bring a recommendation to the Board of Education at a board meeting on January 8, 2018.
This work will be scheduled to take place in the Spring/Summer 2018. The total for this work is currently estimated to be approximately $14,000,000.
The design for the District Wide BMS - Environmental Controls project is nearly complete and will go out to bid on December 4, 2017. The project team is expecting to receive bids around December 22, 2017 and is intending to bring a recommendation to the Board of Education on January 8, 2018.
The project team brought a recommendation to the Board of Education for student technology devices on November 27, 2017. This recommendation is likely to provide for a number of initial student devices to improve and more closely equalize student to device ratios across all seven elementary buildings. This device investment will provide approximately 1,600 devices for student use across our elementary buildings.
A new district wide telephone project is currently out to bid with bids due on November 29, 2017. The intention is to bring a recommendation to the Board of Education on December 11, 2017.
The design team is working diligently to maximize the number of elementary classrooms that may reasonably be able to be scheduled for new classroom AV equipment next summer. The team’s goal is addressing as close to all educational instructional spaces during next summer as is possible.
Some pilot work with system configurations is being considered in elementary spaces in addition to the Junior High classroom AV pilot project to help inform configuration details.
Future projects include the design of secure entrances for Sashabaw Middle School and Clarkston High School in 2018 with construction in 2019.
Projects to be in design in 2019, construction 2020 at CHS:- 21st Century Classroom Learning Environments
- Break-out spaces / Visible Thinking Spaces
- Cafeteria Furniture
- Storage Addition
- Selective Interior Finishes Upgrade (Flooring)
- A/C and audio updates in gymnasium
- Parking Lot Improvements
- Soccer / Lacrosse Turf Field
- Athletic Field Improvements
Ongoing Updates
Updates and additional information are provided to the Board of Education on a monthly basis. Please attend a board meeting or check out board minutes.
Phase II (2017-2018)
Work Completed and In Progress
The final documentation and punch list items associated with the phone project are ongoing.
The new district wide building management controls upgrades project has moved into the second phase. This project is updating the software and control devices associated with the HVAC and exterior lighting controls. Commissioning for phase I buildings is taking place. The contractor will be complete with CJHS in September 2018. The contractor has begun cabling at Sashabaw Middle School for the second phase of the controls project.
Summer construction work at Independence Elementary, Springfield Plains Elementary, Clarkston Elementary, North Sashabaw Elementary, Pine Knob Elementary, and Clarkston Junior High School is complete. Contractors are working on preparing their closeout documentation and paperwork. Contractors are also working on completing punch list work from lists generated by both the design team and the building staff. All final inspections have been completed. New elementary multimedia system installation is complete at Pine Knob Elementary, North Sashabaw Elementary, Independence Elementary, Bailey Lake Elementary, Clarkston Elementary, Springfield Plains Elementary, and Andersonville Elementary. The contractor is working on closeout documentation and punch list work.
Phase III project building visits and planning are ongoing with GMB and the district administration. Auch has received design development drawings for this phase of the project and is currently preparing estimates for these projects. Construction documents are being prepared for bidding late this fall. New furniture has been installed in this phase of secure entry projects.
Phase II construction projects are coming to a close and a final update on the cost of this phase will be provided later this fall reflecting the closeout values of the projects. At this time, it is expected that these projects will be within the original bond budget and the Board of Education approved funds for this phase of projects.
Summer construction punch list work and additional work for this phase of the project will be completed including work associated with the CE/RHS walkway and the outdoor classroom space at CJHS. Documents for phase III will continue to be developed for bidding this fall.
Classroom AV for CJHS and SMS is being issued as a bid package this month and installation will begin later this fall and continue into the winter. The controls contractor will continue the second phase of the district wide controls upgrade. Submittals for this phase of the buildings have been provided. AV improvements at the large group areas of the elementary schools will begin.
Ongoing Updates
Updates and additional information are provided to the Board of Education on a monthly basis. Please attend a board meeting or check out board minutes.
Phase III (2018-2019)
Work Completed and In Progress
The final programming and testing associated with the phone project are ongoing and anticipated to be completed over the summer.
The new district wide building management controls upgrades project is nearing completion of the second phase. This project is updating the software and control devices associated with the HVAC and exterior lighting controls. The contractor has completed the new control system at Sashabaw Middle School and the Administration Building. The contractor is currently working at Renaissance High School and Andersonville Elementary. Commissioning of the new control system at Bailey Lake and other phase II buildings has begun.
The classroom portion of the multimedia project for CJHS, SMS, CHS, RHS, and ECC is complete. The design team is finalizing plans for the large venue spaces, project rooms, and conference rooms that will be completed as part of this project. It is anticipated these remaining spaces will be completed over the summer.
Summer construction work for phase III projects including Andersonville Elementary, Bailey Lake Elementary, Early Childhood Center Sitework, North Sashabaw Elementary, Clarkston High School Entry, Renaissance High School, and Sashabaw Middle School has begun. Demolition activities are being completed and the installation of new work will follow immediately behind demolition.
Phase IV design meetings are taking place and GMB is moving forward with design development. SD documents have been estimated and these estimates have been forwarded to GMB. The estimates will be reviewed with the bond team.
Contracts for services have been written to existing PA system vendors for the buildings to document the existing conditions and configurations of the systems. This information will allow the district’s consultants to develop documentation to improve and potentially expand aspects of these systems. These evaluations will take place over the summer.
The controls contractor will continue the second phase of the district wide controls upgrade and complete the project this summer.
Chiller replacement contracts for AE, BLE, NSE, and SMS have been awarded and contractors are preparing submittals. This work is scheduled to begin in November of 2019.
The district’s design consultants are currently designing the reconstruction of the intersection of Maybee and Pine Knob Lane. They are coordinating the work with the Oakland County Road Commission. This work is targeted for bidding in the late fall and construction will take place in Summer 2020.
- 21st Century Classroom Learning Environments
- Break-out spaces / Visible Thinking Spaces
- Cafeteria Furniture
- Storage Addition
- Selective Interior Finishes Upgrade (Flooring)
- A/C and audio updates in gymnasium
- Parking Lot Improvements
- Soccer / Lacrosse Turf Field
- Athletic Field Improvements
Ongoing Updates
Updates and additional information are provided to the Board of Education on a monthly basis. Please attend a board meeting or check out board minutes.