K-3 Reading Success
Reading with your child at home daily is a proven way to promote early literacy and overall school achievement. Helping to make sure your child is reading on grade level by third grade is one of the most important things you can do to prepare him or her for the future. By reading with your child, and making a few simple activities a part of your daily home routine, you can make a positive impact on your child’s success in school.
Megan Birkett Brazier, K-5 ELA Subject Area Coordinator
Read by Grade Three
In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed a law that requires schools to identify learners who are struggling with reading and writing and to provide additional help. Read more on the Michigan Department of Education Website.
The "Read by Grade 3" law inspired our district to examine our elementary English Language Arts curriculum and the supports and services we offer our students in Clarkston. First and foremost, we partner with families to foster a love of reading!
We provide Read-at-Home plans for K-3 students in our district, offer summer reading and writing camps, and develop Reading Growth Plans for young readers who require additional support. One of our innovative initiatives for students on Reading Growth Plans and all incoming kindergarteners is our “Tips by Text,” weekly text messages to parents to help their children grow as readers.
We have literacy coaches at each elementary building. Our coaches collaborate with grade-level teams, special education teachers, and support staff to strengthen students' understanding of reading, writing, and word study. They also support teachers in designing and implementing targeted lessons to provide additional support or extension as needed.
Additionally, we have literacy interventionists in each building who work with our young readers who need extra support. They use assessment data to design, implement, and progress monitor literacy development.
Clarkston Community Schools embraced a "Whole Child" culture long ago, and we have made it our mission to put the well-being of our students, staff, and families first. As educators, we know that the stress of grade retention can negatively impact a child's mental and social development. Research also indicates that following grade retention, initial academic gains often prove to be temporary and the same struggles return. Our best thinking as a team of seasoned educators and administrators has led us to take a strong position against third grade retention on the basis of M-STEP performance.