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English Language Learners (ESL)

We're Glad You're Here

English Learners receive a broad spectrum of specialized services based on their individual needs. These services include English language development classes, co-taught general education classes such as math, history and science and general education support classes.

Initial Placement

Testing and potential placement in the ESL program is based on the Home Language Survey portion of the Clarkston Community Schools District registration form. If the parent of a new enrollee indicates that the student’s native or home language is other than English, the student will be assessed within 10 school days to determine eligibility in the ESL program. The assessment tool will be the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT). Test results assist educators with programmatic placement decisions such as identification and placement of ELs. The W-APT is one component of WIDA's comprehensive assessment system. ACCESS for ELs (Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners) is a secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment given to Kindergarten through 12th graders who have been identified as English Learners (ELs). It is given annually in WIDA Consortium member states to monitor students' progress in acquiring academic English. Parents will be notified of the student’s eligibility and given the opportunity to accept or refuse ESL assistance.

Continued Eligibility or Exit from the ESL Program

Students are assessed on a yearly basis in all four-skill areas as required by state law. If WIDA testing determines that a student has not reached the appropriate level of proficiency, he or she will remain in the ESL Program. Students who reach the appropriate proficiency level are exited from services, but are monitored for a four-year period to ensure that adequate progress in English and success in the classroom continues.

Translation Services

Clarkston Community Schools is committed to communicating with students and families in their native language wherever possible. This website is equipped with Google Translation Services to translate our entire site into dozens of world languages. Just click the globe icon at the top of any page and select your preferred language.

Interpretation Services Available

Contact Ann Krause or Monserrat Escamilla (see below) if interpretation services are required for school-related meetings.

Special Program Offerings

Resources for Parents

Links to Distance Learning and Online Resources

Program Policies 

Please Read about our program policies in the ESL Handbook.


Ann Krause, ESL Subject Area Coordinator

Emily Grammatico, Clarkston Junior High School ESL & Spanish Teacher

Christina Verkest, Clarkston High School and Secondary Virtual Support ESL Teacher; Sashabaw Middle School Spanish Teacher

Brittney Doyle, Sashabaw Middle School, Andersonville  ESL Teacher

Megan Shaffer, North Sashabaw, Pine Knob and Clarkston Elementary Schools ESL Teacher

Pam Haines, Bailey Lake, Independence Elementary, Renaissance and Virtual Support

Heather Post, North Sashabaw Elementary School ESL Aide

Ana Escamilla, Springfield Plains, Bailey Lake and Independence Elementary School ESL Aide

Monserrat Escamilla, ESL Parent Liaison - Elementary



Exchange students from Italy and Sweden smile together in our celebration of cultures at International Night 2019.


ESL and international students gather together on a field trip to Southwest Detroit to explore some culture in our own city!


Students gather together to learn some geography in the unique after school program, Spanish for Spanish Speakers.


Our staff smiles during a Winter Family Literacy night in 2019.


Middle school students take a visit of the Junior High with their ESL teacher in the spring before they make a big transition.


Volunteers work with families at a family literacy night hosted by the ESL team.


Students from Korea and Vietnam smile together at our 2019 International Night.


Volunteers work with students in the after school Spanish for Spanish Speakers program.



How do you celebrate holidays in your culture?

There are so many different ways to celebrate the winter holidays. With the help of the ESL department along with international students in Clarkston Community Schools, holiday celebrations from around the world are highlighted by interviewing those who celebrate them right in our very own district. Students share about the traditions, food, games and more that they can't wait to celebrate each year around this magical time. Enjoy and share!